
«Hier stehe ich, ich kann nicht anders. Gott helfe mir. Amen.»

"Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise. God help me. Amen." - Martin Luther's response, when instructed by the Diet of Worms to recant his Ninety-five Theses (he in fact said something different but this is a fine summarisation).

Answers to reasonable Questions You might Have

The ticker at the bottom of the page shows some (by no means all) of the organisations and individuals I have had cause to contact. The page regarding prevention of misinformation explains why I contacted these people. Sometime were required to carry out certain services, due to commercial relationships I had with them (e.g.: Dell Computers). I was surprised at their response. Of course, it is relevant to the matters in issue: I should not mention it otherwise. Some were approached because it was their métier (think tanks, human rights organisations, etc., etc.). In each case, inexplicably, they did not act as the situation demanded: they erected a wall of silence and indifference, they offered responses that were not cogent or their response was otherwise bewildering.

This page tries to anticipate and answer questions people might have and which can be answered now, on this website, and within the constraints imposed by its straitened configuration.

Should you have any questions or communication you would like to put or make to me, you may send an email to

Please, do not pose personal questions, questions that require much time to answer or that require dilation of matters this site has announced to report in detail later, and matters that require the production of evidence. Evidence will be produced when the Site starts functioning properly. Until then, my time would probably more constructively be spent preparing that evidence and the website.

Q1: What is the purpose of this website?
A: A secondary reason for this website is to inform people who might chance upon it of the Site to come, in April, 2025. I don't expect there will be many such people.
I continue to report these matters to relevant individuals, organisations and authorities. As I do so, I shall direct them to this website. I shall also write to people and organisations I have previously approached and direct them here. This website should give them a good idea of what is to come and allow them to offer a response in time, to refute statements that I make or to offer explanations, where they think there has been a misunderstanding. This should help avoid misinformation and is the main reason I have created this introductory site.

Q2: How will I know when the Website is functioning (when the full details and the evidence are available to view)?
A: The website should be functioning fully in April, 2025. It is unlikely to start functioning much sooner.
You may check again then, if you remember - we hope you will: these matters are very important for us all.
You might also make a note on a calender.
Alternatively, you could make a habit of visiting this website and reacquainting yourself with the facts every week or so. We encourage it; it would probably not be the least edifying habit you have on the Internet.
Occasionally, but very seldom before April, 2025, there will be something new. Any responses from people and organisations mentioned will promptly and prominently be shown here.

Q3: Why wait so long to make the information publicly available?
A: It takes some time to create an application that will can properly describe what is happening, present the evidence, on which people can easily find information and relevant evidence and question and discuss it.

Q4: Together with our friends: who are our friends?
A: I had been writing to MPs, ministers, other authorities and news organisations for years. Their response was to erect a wall of silence and indifference or to offer implausible excuses for not acting. In the middle of November, 2021, after the invasion of Ukraine, I heard Liz Truss, then Foreign Secretary, giving a Speech in which spoke of how "together with our friends", the Government was fighting for the rule of law and for values in Ukraine. Her precise words were (last paragraph of that speech):
"Together with our friends and allies, we can build a network of liberty, working to repel these malign actors to ensure freedom loving people can live in peace."
Ms Truss, the rest of the Government: all the way to the Prime Minister, and the "friends" of whom she spoke had refused steadfastly to defend those values and the rule of law, when I showed them they were not being respected here in the United Kingdom. Apparently, they were determined to defend them by force of arms in Ukraine. I decided "Together with our Friends" would be the name of the website to inform the public of these matters and to enable their discussion.

In subsequent years, Ms Truss, the Government and other "friends" continued to ignore my case. They would not say the matters I reported to them were not valid. They were, however, keenly interested in such cases as the detention of Mr Navalny and Mr Kara-Murza, on which they regularly spoke, tweeted, imposed sanctions and awarded prizes. It would appear that the rule of law, freedom, human rights, that values and principles, are indispensable in Russia but not in the United Kingdom.

Q5: Is the use of pronouns on this website meaningful: sometimes the first person singular ("I") is used, sometimes the first person plural ("we")?
A: I am one person and I am extremely jealous of my privacy and anonymity. At a certain point, however, I was forced to accept that what is happening here is far greater than my natural proclivity for a quiet life and anonymity. I had to subordinate my nature to the demands of certain values, of justice and to the fear of the certainty that, even were it possible to preserve these conditions, they would be pitifully meaningless in such a world as must necessarily be created by such (mis)conduct as I have began to report here, and shall dilate on the website proper.
(i) I am going to try, if I can't, to preserve my privacy and anonymity. I understand I shall probably not have them to the extent I should like.
(ii) In these matters, I sometimes (many times unconsciously, sometimes deliberately) communicate in the first person plural ("we"), because I understand the importance of these matters to us all. I act for myself, of course, but I realise we must all benefit from the success of this undertaking.

As I went about my business, I chanced to discover a hole in the dyke; someone had to ring the bell.

I'm ringing the bell.